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Classic Film Friday

I love classic film and old Hollywood. From Bogie to Bacall, film noir, timeless musicals, impeccably written thrillers, romantic scandals, the studio-system, fashion, events, contracts, and so much more... these days I spend most of my time in the vault discovering gems from the past for inspiration.

Therefore I'm starting a weekly post on Friday's called Classic Film Friday. Each Friday i'll feature items related to classic films and old Hollywood that I love or that i've found over the course of the week. 

Enjoy a visit to the past for some future inspiration! - K


Film : The Maltese Falcon - an all-time classic and arguably the best film noir ever made. I have lost count on the number of times i've seen this movie but each time I watch Sam Spade track down the bird statue I love it more. 

Actor : Humphrey Bogart - is still one of my favorite actors and his films are on heavy rotation at my place. No one does cool like Rick in Casablanca, or bad guy shady like Dobbs in Treasure of Sierra Madre. Some of my favorite Bogie roles are ones many haven't seen like The Big Sleep, To Have and Have Not, African Queen and many more. 

History : On October 3, 1941, The Maltese Falcon premiered in New York City


Food : Another classic film star I love is Gary Cooper, and now you can make his favorite Buttermilk Giddle Cakes for breakfast with the recipe he loved! 


Architecture :  It may seem like a given to recommend a stop by the Tiffany's flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York City, but if you love the adventures of Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's then be sure to grab breakfast on the go while you peek at the gorgeous jewels in the window displays at this beautiful and iconic building.


Gossip : Want to read some classic Hollywood dirt? No one did it better than Liz & Dick. Cheating, fighting, drinking and so much more... be sure to pick up Furious Love and read about the notorious first couple of Hollywood scandal.


All images are from my Pinterest, Google, IMDB or the blogs referenced. Gregory Peck image(s) is from