Branding / Direction


Random musings, stuff I like, a lovely place to store all the copious amounts of media I ingest daily plus aventures in city life, food, travel and art.

Hello, Spring...

​Puffy little birds get ready for tree blossoms...

​Puffy little birds get ready for tree blossoms...

​The first blooms of the year come to Brooklyn...

​The first blooms of the year come to Brooklyn...

The first flowering tree of the year shows off...

The first flowering tree of the year shows off...

​Pink and yellow blooms...

​Pink and yellow blooms...

​Baby leaves frame the Empire State Building...

​Baby leaves frame the Empire State Building...

​The quiet lunch at Trinity Church...

​The quiet lunch at Trinity Church...

​The Highline Park wakes up form it's slumber...

​The Highline Park wakes up form it's slumber...

​Cherry Blossoms in Battery Park City...

​Cherry Blossoms in Battery Park City...

​When the wind blows it looks like pink snow is falling...

​When the wind blows it looks like pink snow is falling...

Battery Park City is gorgeous in the spring...

Battery Park City is gorgeous in the spring...

​Flowering trees are only in bloom for a short time...

​Flowering trees are only in bloom for a short time...

Nature wakes up...​

Nature wakes up...​

​Tulips make the appearance in full color...

​Tulips make the appearance in full color...

​Spring is a symphony of colors... and truly lovely! 

​Spring is a symphony of colors... and truly lovely! 

All photos by Kari Hansbarger